Revitalising Blended Whiskey
Presented with the challenge of revitalising blended whisky with a millennial-focused NPD, the creative team at Biles Hendry first considered the reasons behind the sector’s flagging sales.
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Ross contributed a whooping 2 entries.
Presented with the challenge of revitalising blended whisky with a millennial-focused NPD, the creative team at Biles Hendry first considered the reasons behind the sector’s flagging sales.
It might be confined to sugary beverages at present, but the potential implications of the UK Soft Drink Industry Levy for all food and drinks brands are hard to ignore, as health campaigners push for a wider rollout of legislation and consumers wise up to the fact that sugar is sugar whatever you call it – naturally occurring sugar, fruit sugar, honey, rice syrup et al.